I am sure that you have all heard of psychics talking about “signs”. Things that we “see” or have felt and then provide you what we know about that sign.
You might have been told to look for signs yourself from loved ones who have crossed over, or from your guides in regards to an answer you have been searching for.
But what if your unsure which sign to look for? Confused about if your doing it right? etc…
I thought I would explain this a bit better, so that everyone could be a bit more aware of their own gifts, and realize that the signs they have been seeing, are tailored specifically to you!
No psychic is the same. Everyone one of us has had our own life lessons to get through so our experiences are different including how we would approach a reading or how we would interpret a sign. Our guides would utilize our experience, our knowledge as a way to pass on a message to our clients.
Let’s say you seen a penny on the ground… what do you instantly think it means? Penny for your thoughts? Maybe it ‘s “penny saved penny earned” etc. Depending on YOUR thoughts when you see this penny would determine how you would interpret it. Your life experience and knowledge would dictate how you interpret that sign. Your guides would rely on your knowledge and life lessons to use the appropriate sign to provide you answer and direction 🙂
Does this make sense? Let’s chat about this. Ask your questions about this topic below. Maybe it’s a sign you see and need further interpretation… etc